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Aside from physical benefits, massages are also beneficial for your spiritual wellbeing. If you don’t know what types of massages are available, you may be wondering how they differ. Read on to learn more about the massage Abu Dhabi services available such as Swedish, Deep tissue, Trigger point, and Amatsu massages. These types are designed to help you in different ways, and they’re all beneficial for your health. Here’s a quick guide to the four main types of massages:

Amatsu Massage

Amatsu is a type of massage that focuses on the whole body. It involves several techniques, ranging from gentle to vigorous. Regardless of your age or physical condition, Amatsu will help you feel better. This massage is often used to treat digestive complaints, headaches, and other symptoms related to the human body. The massage is also helpful for women in menopause, as it helps women balance hormones and relieves the symptoms of menstruation.

Swedish Massage

The benefits of Swedish massage are many and varied. This massage increases the levels of serotonin and dopamine in the body, both of which have positive effects on the mood and overall health. Massage also lowers the levels of cortisol, a stress-inducing hormone. Whether you’re looking for pain relief or simply want to improve your mood, this massage will help you. Swedish massage can help with a variety of ailments, from increasing blood flow and flexibility to relieving severe adhesions.

Deep Tissue Massage

One of the main benefits of deep tissue massage is the reduction of fat. It breaks up fatty deposits and releases them for absorption. It also stimulates lymphatic flow, which is necessary for detoxification and weight loss. Combined with exercise, this massage can help a person lose weight. It is beneficial for reducing muscle stiffness and pain. It can help with pain, especially chronic pain, and improve mobility. Many people report a reduction in their body weight after a deep tissue massage.

Trigger Point Massage

Trigger point massage is a type of therapeutic touch that focuses on painful areas of the body, a practice called trigger point massage. Trigger points are sore spots in the body that can restrict mobility and cause severe pain. The benefits of trigger point massage are widely debated among scientists, although many people swear by its benefits. The benefits of trigger point massage are largely dependent on the location and strength of the trigger points. The following are some ways trigger points can be massaged.

Sports Massage

What is sports massage? Sports massage is a form of therapeutic massage that is commonly performed to reduce muscle stiffness, promote blood circulation, and relieve pain caused by injury and poor posture. The benefits of sports massage go beyond the immediate gratification of pain relief. A sports massage can reduce stress and improve sleep quality, too. It also improves range of motion, and can be beneficial for athletes. If you have been experiencing these symptoms, you may want to seek treatment.

Pregnancy Massage

A regular massage during pregnancy has several benefits for the expectant mother. It can reduce swelling, and the light pressure will redistribute bodily fluids to avoid pooling in the lower legs. Many mothers-to-be also report a decreased amount of headaches, and massage can ease this problem. Because the uterus is growing, women should avoid lying flat on their backs because the weight of the growing baby is pressing on the vein returning blood to the heart.

Medical/Clinical Massage

Clinical massage is a type of massage therapy that is tailored to the specific needs of an individual client. Practitioners of this type of massage therapy often utilize advanced modalities, such as joint mobilization, neuromuscular techniques, and lymphatic drainage. A thorough examination and medical consultation are generally part of these massage therapies. The benefits of medical massage are numerous. Some of the common conditions treated with medical massage are neck pain, back pain, and piriformis syndrome.

Thai Massage

People who have back pain often find that a Thai massage can be effective. Not only does Thai massage relieve the pain, but it can also help improve general feelings. The benefits of Thai massage extend to the mind and body, and other types of massage have similar benefits. Some people even experience relaxation and a sense of well-being after a session. Book a session at Venetian Spa to experience it for yourself.

Clifton Elliott

Surfer, hustler, music blogger, vintage furniture lover and proud pixelpusher. Performing at the intersection of beauty and mathematics to create great work for living breathing human beings. My opinions belong to nobody but myself.

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