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Massage treatments can provide your body with a variety of therapeutic benefits. Organic ingredients and objects that have shown to be a natural cure for the body are used in ancient forms of body massaging. Check out the several benefits of hot stone massage Dubai and get benefited through the remedial qualities of the process. A top-rated massage center with expert masseuses can resolve the needs perfectly. The 5000-year-old massaging process is part of the Ayurvedic therapy, originating from India. Over time, Ayurvedic therapy of body massaging with natural stones has become popular. Most spa and massage centers offer similar services across. .

What is a Hot Stone Massage?

It is an ancient Indian massaging technique that makes use of a set of heated organic stones. River rocks are usually used for this process. River rocks tend to accumulate the healing and natural properties of the river and the environment. A heater is used to heating these rocks before placing them on various body parts.


Needless to say, it is a unique form of massaging and it requires professional training. The massage therapist puts oil on the body.This helps in reducing muscle stiffness and loosens them before the stones are placed on the body. Once the massage relaxes the body, warm stones with tolerable amounts of heat are placed on specific body parts. The stones are pressed lightly and then the therapist runs the stones all over the skin for reducing tension in the muscles and tightness in the tissues.


Given its uniqueness and for how long it has been in practice, it is evident that it offers several health benefits. Warmth of the river rock penetrates into the tissue and muscle. Larger rocks especially help in alleviating tension from the deeper muscle layers and relaxes the body. Apart from this, the following are some other benefits that help in overall improvement of your body:

Improves Sleep Cycle And Reduce Stress

It helps in de-stressing and reducing anxiety naturally. You can easily fix your circadian rhythm and help your mind relax with help of massage therapy. Sleep disturbances are reduced as your body and mind are revitalized.

Reduction In Pain And Muscle Stiffness

The natural process of relieving pain is by improving blood circulation so that muscle tension can be reduced. It also increases body flexibility and thus helps in eradicating chronic pain with an organic remedy.

Connect With Massage Specialists

Given the various benefits of massage techniques, it is time to find a reliable massage and spa center to get Russian massage Dubai and other therapies. Get the best experience from skilled professionals to rejuvenate your muscles and tissues.

Clifton Elliott

Surfer, hustler, music blogger, vintage furniture lover and proud pixelpusher. Performing at the intersection of beauty and mathematics to create great work for living breathing human beings. My opinions belong to nobody but myself.

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